+75 Health Assessment
We are pleased to offer our patients aged over 75 years the opportunity to have an annual health assessment. The health assessment is an opportunity for your doctor to assess your health status and perform a thorough health assessment on your physical, psychological and social health. For more information on your eligibility and benefits see below.

What is a Health Assessment?
A health assessment is an extended consultation with our practice nurse and your GP and is an opportunity for your GP to thoroughly assess your physical, psychological and social health. It is also an opportunity for you to raise any concerns that you may have relating to your health.
Who is eligible?
Patients aged 75 years and over. This age represents the time at which people are most likely to experience the greatest levels of ill health or may require further assistance.
Where is it performed?
The assessment is performed at the practice. Our friendly and knowledgeable practice nurse will consult with you first for approximately 50 minutes - allowing ample time for our nurse to perform a thorough health check and to discuss and assist with any concerns you may have. Your GP will then see you for an appointment. Please allow up to 1 hour for the health assessment.
How much will it cost?
There is no out of pocket cost for your annual health assessment. Medicare Australia covers the cost of this initiative.